WE,world believers in the Holy Bible and with full knowledge and understanding of Judeo Christian history, affirm that the capital of the Kingdom of David was established in Jerusalem more than 3000 years ago, and since then has served as the religious and spiritual center of the people of Israel during all the various stages of its history.
FURTHERMORE,we affirm that this development took place not because of physical factors such as topography or ease of access, typical for capital sites, but as a result of a decision based on religious, spiritual and historical factors.
THEREFORE,we are calling on all community and spiritual leaders and all who are concerned about anti-Semitism, Replacement Theology and the facts of history, to join us by adding your name to this decree in protest to the UNESCO resolution that Jerusalem has no ties to Jewish History.
WE affirm the sanctity of Jerusalem and Zion for Judaism and Christianity. While Jerusalem is mentioned 656 times in the Bible, its name does not appear in the Koran.
WE affirm that in its yearning for redemption, the Jewish people made no distinction between Jerusalem and the land of Israel as a whole, as expressed in the ancient saying “If I forget thee Jerusalem” and thousands years later in coining the term “Zionism”.
WEaffirm that the Jews constituted the largest community in Jerusalem as early as 1840. This majority was enlarged with the modern mass return of Jews to Eretz Israel and the city became, naturally, the capital of the “state in the making”.
WEaffirm the political record: the 1917 Balfour Declaration, which provided a homeland for the Jewish people; the May 14 1948 Declaration of the Establishment of the State of Israel; Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion’s declaration in the Knesset, on behalf of the Government of Israel, on December 13 1949, “The State of Israel had and will have only one capital – eternal Jerusalem.”; and in June 1967, during the Six Day War, when the eastern part of the city was liberated and Jerusalem was once more reunited.
WEaffirm the order to formalize the status of reunited Jerusalem as the capital of the State of Israel as adopted by the Knesset on 30 July 1980; a basic law on this matter.
WEaffirm the historical records of the Egyptians, Persians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Greeks, and Romans whose documents testify of the fact that Jerusalem existed and was the capital of Israel.
WEaffirm the archeological record of discoveries made over the centuries by Israeli and non-Israeli authorities which support the Biblical account including: King David’s Palace, Solomon’s Stables, Tel Dan, Tomb of Sennacherib, the Arch of Titus and the Dead Sea Scrolls.
FINALLY,we affirm that the ancient and modern world has been continually nurtured by and looked to Jerusalem as the spiritual center of the Universe.
By signing this Decree we proclaim Jerusalem as the eternal capital of the State of Israel.